The ban was imposed after the magazine published an article satirising the government 这家杂志刊登了一篇讽刺政府的文章后被停刊。
Last year, Time magazine published an article debunking the merits of homeownership, while federal policymakers began wondering if many might have been financially better off renting versus buying. 《时代》杂志(Time)去年刊登了一篇文章,戳穿了买房有理的迷思。而美国的决策层也开始怀疑,对于许多人来说,租房是不是要比买房更划算。
But I could not do the work of writing a book, or even a long magazine article, if it were not also an aesthetic experience. 然而,写作必须同时又是一种美感经验。否则,我就无法完成著书的工作,甚至连一篇长篇的报刊文章都写不成。
Bear in mind as you read these articles that it's the nature of a magazine article to be sequential, but in the real world many of these activities go on in parallel. 请记住,正如您阅读这些文章所感觉的那样,杂志上的文章一般都是连续的,但实际上,这些活动中的很多活动都并行发生。
Write a magazine article about the animal 给一本杂志写一篇关于动物的文章
"Everyone relates me to that man, and I have nothing to do with him," she told the magazine in an article titled:" It Isn't Easy Being the Sexy Bin Laden. " 杂志中题为“做个性感拉登真难”的一文写道:“每个人都把我和他联系起来,可是我和他根本就没有关系。”
It comes from a retired track coach quoted in a 1971 New York Times Magazine article. 它是一个退休的田径教练从1971年的《纽约时报》的一篇文章引用的一个句子。
When was the last time you read a book, or a substantial magazine article? 还记得上次看书或是阅读杂志文章是什么时候吗?
This month you may sell a book idea, write a key magazine article, start a radio show, tape a TV pilot, sell a screenplay, and start a blog-you decide! 这个月,你可能卖出许多好点子,撰写一篇文章在重要的杂志上,来一场广播秀,录个电视节目,卖出一个电影剧本,或者开设一个博客&由你来决定!
The magazine had an article about that petrified British institution, the gentleman's club. 杂志上有一篇文章是关于一种英国僵化的机构,即绅士俱乐部。
He wrote the profile and then left the magazine as the article grew into a book and he realised he wanted to learn much more about the art of the food. 他写了那篇传记,接下来,当那篇文章扩成一本书时,他离开了《纽约客》,他意识到自己想学更多有关食品艺术的知识。
The following appeared in a magazine article about planning for retirement. 下述文字摘自有关规划退休的一篇杂志文章。
Vera: I can't believe this. It says in this magazine article that the queen of England keeps racing pigeons. 薇拉:真是难以置信。杂志这篇报导说,英女王饲养赛鸽。
As a recent New York magazine article put it: The indie-rock quartet Grizzly Bear just released a hit record and sold out Radio City Music Hall. 正如最近纽约的一份杂志所言:独立摇滚四人组合GrizzlyBear刚刚发布了一张热门唱片,他们在无线电城音乐厅演出的门票也被抢购一空。
GameSpy: In a recent magazine article, you mentioned a new feature where the computer would register panic or multiple clicks on a particular unit and take that into account when determining attacks. 在最近的杂志文章,你题到一个新特性,电脑会在进攻的时候考虑到紧急程度或者说是点击次数。
Read a magazine article about school life in the UK and two other articles about school club. 读一篇有关在英国生活的杂志文章和两篇有关学校俱乐部的文章。
The long magazine article really went into depth on the causes of the war. 杂志上的这篇长文章确实深入探讨了这次战争的原因。
Application of foreign language proficiency can access the literature and writing, and foreign-language magazine published an article with stronger literacy heard. 能熟练应用外语查阅文献和写作,并在外文杂志发表文章,具备较强的听说读写能力。
A Chinese magazine article exposed academics and students who had created counterfeit versions of respected journals so that it would seem their work had been published. 中国某杂志的一篇文章揭露了一些学者和学生的造假活动,他们伪造了一些著名期刊,然后将文章发表在上面,这样看起来就像是他们的文章在专业刊物上得以发表。
Acid contamination and oil consumption are the2 reliability problems which are the result of an "owner's manual" or "magazine tech article" style easy break-in. 反而使用手册里或技术杂志里介绍的软磨合方法会增加酸性污染物和燃油消耗量。
This is a red-letter day for me. I first received a check for my magazine article. 这是我非常开心的日子;我初次收到了向杂志投稿的稿费。
This past summer I read a magazine article that reviews a new book. 刚过的这个夏天,我读到杂志上一个新书的评论。
And the business history was cut-and-pasted from a magazine article. 经营的背景资料还是从杂志的文章中剪贴下来的。
But the quote above has nothing to do with modern-day athletics. It comes from a retired track coach quoted in a 1971 New York Times magazine article. 引自1971年纽约时报的一篇文章中一个退休田径教练的话语,上文中的引语和当今体育并无关系。
The magazine article contained so many superlatives that I found it hard to believe that what it was saying was true. 这篇杂志文章使用的最高级修饰语太多了,令我觉得很难相信它说的都是真的。
As the writer of the magazine article pointed out, however, that is not the case with happiness. 然而,那篇文章的作者指出,快乐与其他的事物不同。
The content market needs to make conformity, establishing special service organization, like Magazine Especial Article Union, also forms the content-exchange flat by internet, at the same time, consummates related rules for activating content market. 最后,新闻类杂志的内容市场需要从分散走向整合,建立杂志特稿社等专门的服务机构,利用网络形成内容资源交易平台,并逐步健全相关的市场规范以激活内容市场。